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Youth Ministries

Click image to see photos from our recent

2019 events.  

About Us

Effective March 14, 2020 our Youth events were cancelled as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic being declared.  In fairly short order, we managed learn new technology.  Like many, we got used to the quirks of Zoom.  Throughout the spring and summer of 2020, we met weekly on Friday evenings.  It was a Godsend to our youth who, with school and church moving online, were isolated from their church friends.  In the fall of 2020, our little band moved to meeting semi-monthly and even managed to get in one in-person event in October before further restrictions were declared.   Throughout 2020/2021, this group has been faithful in their coming together and we have delighted in that we've been able to celebrate birthdays, welcome back members who had moved away (thank you Zoom!) and deepen our faith.  In September 2021, we managed to meet in-person and praying that we will be able to more of the same.  If you are interested in our Youth Ministry, please contact Tina Clarke (updated October 2021)
















The Youth Ministry is geared towards the ongoing spiritual and social development of youths, grades 6 through 12 (and beyond). It is an environment for youths to hang out, have fun, and learn about their Christian faith, all at the same time. 


Our Youth Groups and Family Events are all about building a relationship with God and with other youths. The unique approach to understanding the Bible, fun outings, games, activities and community service projects are just a few of the things we do throughout the year.

There is something for everyone and we welcome anyone.  
Bring a friend or meet new ones at the Youth program(s) that interest you.



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© 2024 Christ Church Brampton

Registered Canadian Charity:  13064 8892 RR0001

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