What To Expect...

What can I expect when I come on Sunday? (Posted Oct 01/22; rev. Apr 01/24)
So you’ve decided to visit an Anglican church and you find yourself with us on a Sunday morning. Maybe you’ve always passed us and wondered what goes on inside or perhaps a friend has invited you to come along. Or maybe sometime you have attended a wedding or another celebration and are simply curious. No matter what the reason, you are very welcome at Christ Church. If you have never attended church – or even if you have but long ago – many sights and sounds may be unfamiliar to you. Hopefully these brief words might help you.
Anglicans believe that the most important thing we do as Christians is gather together for worship ~ in all our imperfection. Our main opportunity to do so is the Sunday morning worship service, also known as Eucharist, Communion or Mass. The easiest way to find out about our services is to visit our website, call the church office or follow us on social media. During the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter there are often additional services.
You will find that our services are a mix of readings, prayers, hymns and a sermon. We use what is referred to as the Revised Common Lectionary which is shared by many mainline Christian denominations. So what you are hearing today in the way of readings is also heard in other churches around the globe. Typically these readings will be an Old Testament reading, followed by an Epistle reading from the New Testament and concluding with the priest reciting the appointed Gospel reading which is also from the New Testament. We sometimes dip into the Psalms which are also from the Old Testament. More often than not, the sermon is based on these weekly readings ~ no matter how challenging they may be.
You might be wondering when you should do what: kneel, sit, stand, say Amen. Just relax and follow what others are doing. The service is entirely projected on the screen with congregational responses in black. At Christ Church, we use the Book of Alternative Services ("BAS"). Practices change from church to church so it would be difficult to capture all the instructions but, that said, we do stand for the Gospel, the Creed (which is our statement of belief that follows the sermon) and the Offertory. While you might be confused with all these instructions, please know that we really wish for you to enjoy the music, the words of the scripture from the Bible and the silences, and contemplate the symbols and images – the cross, the altar, the candles, the stained glass windows – and all that enhances our worship space.
What's New Since the Pandemic?
What has not changed is our core worship experience and for that we give thanks!
Consider showing up a few minutes early to allow yourself to get settled and enjoy the Gathering Music. There will be a friendly greeter who will provide you with an announcement bulletin. Please always feel free to approach these greeters should you have any questions. They are more than happy to direct you to the right person or pass your query along. Some of our weekly Sunday routines changed and these folks always have a handle on things. A brief word about our announcement bulletin ~ it is available on our website on Sunday mornings and, among other current news, it lists the day's readings and those for the following Sunday. Some of parish family find reading them in advance gives them an opportunity to contemplate how they are relevant today, in their own lives.
We are currently following the guidelines of the 2022 Green Phase of the Diocese of Toronto’s pandemic response wherein all restrictions have been lifted with the exception of the Vaccine Mandate for clergy, staff and volunteers. We do not require proof of vaccination (nor have we ever) to attend worship. To keep people safe, below are our local protocols on Sunday mornings:
You are free to enter either the glass doors and or the tower doors. The glass doors can be accessed by a ramp.
Should you be running a bit late (and many of us do!), please feel free to use the tower doors after 10:00 am.
A time of offering is mid-way through the service and an offering plate is passed.
Our service is entirely projected on the screen and congregational responses are in black.
Children aged 4-12 are invited to attend Sunday School. Children leave during the singing of The Gloria (after the Children's Focus) and return in time for Eucharist. Alternatively, they are most welcome to stay in church for the entire service.
The service length varies but is approximately 60-70 minutes.
Following the service, we have a time of Fellowship downstairs (coffee, tea, and cookies) in the Auditorium. All are warmly welcome.
Masks are optional, however many will still be wearing them.
With capacity limits lifted, you are welcome to sit where you would like. However, we kindly consider sitting from the front of the church to the back and do be mindful of other people’s need for personal space.
Accommodation has been made for those who are more comfortable with a bit more space. Pews have been designated for this.
Most often, communion will be distributed at the bottom of the steps. We offer communion in both kind ~ bread and wine.
Should you wish to receive a blessing during the time of communion, simply join the communion line and cross your arms across your chest to indicate this.
Should you be feeling unwell, we kindly ask that you stay home and join us online currently at 4:00 pm.
All are invited | All are welcome | No experience required
Where can I park?
As a courtesy to newcomers, the disabled and those with young families, we kindly ask you that you leave the parking in front of the church and those spots along the north wall of the church for those who are less able bodied. Additionally, the 1st two spots along the north wall are for those with a handicap permit or another equally valid reason.
In addition to ample street parking, Sunday morning parking is available at the following locations:
Medical Arts | 118 Queen St. W.
Located on the northeast corner of Queen and Mill Street.
Brampton GO | ***New November 2022***
Located on the northeast corner of Elizabeth and Nelson Street - less than a two minute walk north of the church