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Pastoral Care

Supporting our members in prayer and care is a vital part of our parish community. 

Weekly Intercessions

Whenever we gather for worship, the Prayers of the People provide us an opportunity to offer both thanksgiving and intercessions to our God.  At any time, you are invited to add the names of those you would like us to pray for in the binder located at the back of the church.


Prayer Chain

On a monthly basis, the Prayer Chain receives the names of members, family and friends who have requested prayer. Our team of Prayer Warriors pray faithfully each day for these confidential requests which may be the result of an illness or job loss, death or birth, struggles with children or parents ~ essentially anything that gives concern to God’s people. There are many reasons to request prayers.  You are welcome to submit your prayer request by completing a form located in the Parish Office and leaving it in the sealed box or by emailing our Prayer Chain Coordinator at


Home Communion Administrants

Because Holy Communion is central to our identity and our common life, we are blessed with a committed group of trained lay persons who are licensed to carry Holy Communion from our church to those in the parish who are unable to attend our regular liturgies.



Licensed lay anointers, with the help of prayer partners, serve regularly at the 9:00 and 10:45 services on the first Sunday of each month. This confidential ministry is ancient in its practice and rich in Christian caring.  Anointing is available at the back of the church during the distribution of Holy Communion.


Visitation of the Sick

If you or someone you know is hospitalized, please call the parish office and one of our priests will tend to them offering anointing, communion and prayer.


Parish Visitors

Parish Visitors work in partnership with our clergy in pastoral care of the elderly and infirmed. They visit, phone, deliver flowers and assist in administering communion to those who are shut-in at home, in nursing homes, retirement facilities or in hospital.  The Parish Visitors team meets bi-monthly for fellowship, training, planning and a time to share appropriate information to meet pastoral needs.


Institutional Partnerships

Christ Church takes its place among the Anglican Churches of Brampton in service to Anglicans in local care facilities by taking primary pastoral responsibility for Peel Manor, Woodhall Specialty Care and Greenway Retirement Village. We visit monthly, celebrating the Holy Eucharist and tending to the sick but are always available upon request should a pastoral need arise.


Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral counseling services are available to members of our congregation who find themselves in need, whether they be individuals, couples or families in crisis, those in need of vocational or pastoral counseling or those who seek spiritual direction.


© 2024 Christ Church Brampton

Registered Canadian Charity:  13064 8892 RR0001

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