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Music Ministry at Christ Church

The Worship Collective is currently recruiting (posted July 30, 2022)

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WC Recruiting 3.Jul 30 22.png

The Worship Collective is an integral part of our music ministry at Christ Church.  It provides a contemporary style of music that blends with traditional music and our overall liturgy.  For many years it has been a cherished part of our worship experience.  This faithful team, under the leadership of Sally Campbell, has been steadfast throughout the pandemic and for that we are most grateful.   We are now in the process of re-building and able to take on some new members. 


The repertoire is an eclectic mix of Folk, Rock, and Celtic sounds. Members would be comfortable with our style of music, reading from chord charts, able to improvise and are flexible with music arrangements.


What is the commitment? 

  • Weekly Rehearsals on Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm for approximately 1 and ½ hours

  • Sunday mornings once or twice a month


What are we looking for?

Currently has 3 openings for individuals with any of the following skills.

  • Guitar player (intermediate skill level)

  • Bass player (basic to intermediate skill level)

  • Acoustic instrument; violin or cello (intermediate skill level)

  • Vocalist that can carry the melody, or sing harmony


How do I indicate my interest/get more information?

If you own your own instrument and gear, hold one of these skills and are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Contemporary Worship Director, Sally Campbell at: to arrange for an audition.

What's in a song? 

(Sally Campbell)

Welcome to worship, up close and personal. “What’s in a Song?” explores individual songs of worship and praise and offers a reflection that will hopefully add another level to your personal devotion and meditation on your faith.


Perhaps you enjoy worship music as background noise, or you long to explore and feast on it. Regardless of your interest in music, examination of the lyrics is a worthwhile activity, offering thoughts on how these song meanings might relate to us in 21 century culture.


It is the hope that through these commentaries, our corporate worship will be enriched as the songs come to life in deeper context. Consider each song and see where it takes you. If you would like to hear the songs, you can usually find some version of it on YouTube.


And when we sing these songs on any given Sunday, join us, sing loud and sing strong. We are all in this together.


Who are you bowing to? In this piece, she reflects on “Good and Gracious King” by James Ferguson, Jonny Robinson and Michael Farren. (March 2024)  Click here.
The Final Word - 01 StartSally Campbell (Michael Card)
00:00 / 02:54
Ancient of Days (Though The Nations Rage)Sally Campbell (Matt Redman)
00:00 / 03:37
Heart Of WorshipSally Campbell (Matt Redman)
00:00 / 03:12
Click here for Sally's reflection on "Heart of Worship".   Just why are we called to worship?  (August 2021)
Click here for Sally's reflection on "Change My Heart, O God".   In this piece, Sally teases out the powerful transformation we can have when live in relationship with God. (April 2021)
Click here for Sally's exploration on the song "He Who Dwells" by Bob Ayala (November 2020)
Click here for Sally's exploration on the song "What Love My God" by Jonny Robinson / Rich Thompson/ Michael Farren (September 2020)
Click here for Sally's exploration on the song "Breathe" by Marie Barnett (August 2020)
August 2020

August 2020

July 2020

July 2020

© 2024 Christ Church Brampton

Registered Canadian Charity:  13064 8892 RR0001

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