Outreach in Brampton
Christ Church takes the Gospel imperative to serve the marginalized seriously through a variety of partnerships and community-based local Christian ministries including: Regeneration, Knights’ Table, Ste. Louise Outreach and JFJ Hope Centre. We support the extended hand of the Diocese of Toronto through our financial commitment to Faithworks and that of the national and international church the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.
JFJ Hope Centre Annual Golf Tournament | Sept 10/22
JFJ Hope Centre is one of our local ministry partners. They provide valuable ministry and support to both adoptive and birth moms, dads and their children. Please see the JFJ Hope Centre website for further information including tickets, sponsorship & silent auction opportunities at: https://jfjhopecentre.ca/core/golf

Past Event | June 4, 2022

In past years proceeds from our Annual Pancake Supper were directed to Ste. Louise Outreach Centre of Peel and like many things we have made the "pandemic-pivot". In the spring of 2021, we had our first-ever Drive-By/Drop-Off in support of Ste. Louise and the response was incredible ~ a truck load of food and financial contributions of close to $3,000. With food prices soaring and inflation taking hold, our local food banks need us. Please consider supporting this year's Drive-By/Drop-Off.
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
(John 15:12)
What Can You Do to Help?
It will be of no surprise that the need to help our neighbours is great so please consider:
Plan to pick up some items listed below and drop them off on during the drive-by on May 15th ~ it is contactless so simply stay in your car and pop the trunk.
You may make a financial donation and clearly marking it “Ste. Louise”. It will be included in your 2022 Tax Receipt. Donations can be dropped off at the church, e-transferred, mailed or pick-up. Click here for how.
For more information please contact Jean Jamieson at 416-457-5686 or Martha Whittaker at 416-420-3765
Why not ask your family, friends and neighbours if they would like to get involved?
Compassion and generosity go hand in hand.
Current Ste. Louise Needs
Food (non-perishable)
Vegetables (canned or frozen
Pasta Sauce
Canned luncheon meat
Canned fish
Powdered Milk
Fruit (canned or frozen)
Instant Coffee/Tea
Food (perishable)
Luncheon Meats
Food (Frozen)
Mac ‘n Cheese
T.V. Dinners
Sheppard’s Pie
Fish & Chip
Personal Hygiene Supplies (for parents)
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Shampoo & Conditioner
Tampons/Sanitary Napkins
Disposable Razors
Face Cream
Bar Soap
Lip Balm
Body Lotion
For Children
Diapers (large 4+)
Juice Boxes
New Toys
Peanut-free snack